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The Observer
On the day Fennick was born, the sky filled with shooting stars. It was a celebration of a curious, shy, and elusive soul. Much like the stars he admires, Fennick seems to come and go without much sound. While in the regular world he would stand out quite vividly in the darkness, his shower of glowing marks makes him part of the scenery in the Between. His favorite place to hide is among vines, which are among the brightest foliage in the Between. An observer, he will stay hidden for hours on end as he watches everything around him with calm curiosity.
While he is one of the lesser heard siblings, Fennick is certainly among the most intelligent. He is the first to really document everything there is to see in the Between. From fauna and flora to a mapping of the distinct differences between this alternate world and the real one, he is an expert when it comes to this unknown place. When most people would simply walk by, Fennick sees everything.
Fennick is truly one bright, tiny star among an endless landscape of discoveries.

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