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If you ever need to know something the other siblings have discovered, Deja is the one to go to. She gathers and details everything from the ecosystem, to how time moves in the Between. She's a one-stop knowledge center and is currently working on a detailed book about the Between.
While she enjoys absorbing information about any and everything, her true passion, and the one thing she studies personally, are the various rocks and gems of the world. The Between is packed with glowing stones, some of which have amazing building strength, and some which are desired by magic practitioners for their use in potions and spells. Deja's dream is to build a home with varying colors of stones because she loves basking in the faint glow they emit.
Deja is definitely a nerd, there's no denying that. When she's not recording data, she's seen reading comics or studying ancient histories of the "normal" world. She hopes that someday her books will be just as important and useful to future generations.

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